Celebrating the Ancient Rhythms of Peace
February 4, 2017
1:00 – 6:00 PM
Rockford Chapel, 515 President Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio
The Rainbow Warrior
Waitaha: The Water Carriers
The Peace Pipe
White Buffalo Cow Woman
Before our Elders return, Raymond to Aotearoa, New Zealand and Cecil to service his community in Italy; as a salute to the Divine Feminine and the sacred status of Women in the World in particular, they will be leading this One Day Sacred Circle in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Uenuku mai Tawhiti, The 1st Rainbow, Raymond TeKorako Ruka, Priest of Waitaha. “I had a vision where the sky was filled with lightening, wind and thundering teardrops. The rainstorm of tumbling tears was barraging into this strange open-topped vessel and when I looked again, it was a gigantic, glistening canoe made out of colored feathers that were totally unaffected by the turbulent maelstrom. Thousands of crewmembers, on either side of the canoe, armed with pounamu/jade like paddles steered the vessel through the tempest. I heard a lamenting from on High and as the silent anonymous vehicle glided across the heavens, I saw that its perfect shape and dazzling colors resembled an inverted rainbow. I kneeled and wept…because I discerned the crew of ancient women and men were not of this world.
Brother Sunk Pa Ska Uha, Cecil Cross, Headsman of the Sunk Pa Ska Uha Tiyospaye, has been called by Spirit to do a Special Sacred Pipe Ceremony dedicated to the Ancient Grandmother, White Buffalo Cow Woman. In his lifetime the Elder has carried and used many traditional, ceremonial pipes. Elder Cecil Cross has carried this pipe for 25 years and has not been called by Spirit to use it in ceremony – until now! This is the first time Elder Cecil Cross will perform this sacred ceremony with this particular pipe. In the lore of our Peace People, the Elder honors our Littlebig Family and our Nation of Waitaha. We give thanks.
You are all invited to attend this Sacred Day of Ceremony.
Ancient Whispers
Te Ara o Rongomaraeroa
The Peace Trails
Celebrating the Ancient Rhythms of Peace
We two Elders are not political or religious men. We both walk humbly upon the breast of Earth Mother and to Her, our service and lives have been dedicated. My Matriarchal Teachings have taught me that no matter where one stands in the physical and spiritual worlds, in all aspects of that stance, that individual has the right to be respected and their voice given a quiet space to sing. Substantial and lasting change can only come about when each of us is clothed in that inalienable understanding that that space between everyone of us is replete with that invisible dignity called Respect.
There will be a $50 charge per person for the gathering. We will have a limited number of scholarships available. Please make checks, payable to Ancient Whispers. Participants are asked to bring a plate of food to share at the closing of our Circle. Ancient Whispers will be providing fresh fruit, chips and dip and an assortment of hot and cold drinks. Inquiries regarding the gathering and obtaining scholarships can be made by phoning Grandmother Peggy Koebernick at 937.767.9331
Elder Raymond TeKorako Ruka
Saturday 4 February 2017
1:00pm – 1:10pm Arrive at Rockford Chapel
1:10pm – 1:15pm Hand-washing Ceremony
1:30pm – 2:15pm Guided Meditation
Using Poetry to explain the unexplainable (Elder Raymond TeKorako)
2:30pm – 3:30pm White Buffalo Cow Woman
(Elder Cecil Cross)
3:45pm – 4:15pm Gratitude Ceremony
Unwinding The Spiral Circle. Celebration giving gratitude for all the healing we receive.
(Elders Raymond and Cecil)
4:30pm – 5:30pm Circle opened for Discussion
Elders will answer questions and participants are welcome to bring topics of interest to them to the Circle for discussion.
5:30pm – 5:45pm Closing of our Circle.
Shared Light Refreshments and Drinks