Te Turangawaewae o nga Wahine
The Stance of Women
The Grandmothers of Waitaha
Gatekeepers of the Mauri/Life Principles
and their people of Waitaha, the Water Carriers
Hope Springs Institute
Peebles, Ohio
August 18 – 20th 2017
Mihingarangi Jane TeKorako Ruka
Ngaere Annie Bottcher
Te Miringa Rosina Huriwai
Kathleen Tohu
Millan TeKorako Ruka, Caretaker of the Riverways
Uenuku mai Tawhiti, Raymond Te Korako Ruka, Elder
The Waitaha are an ancient matriarchal peace nation who settled in the pacific basin millennia ago. They have maintained their oral records, and from those transmitted understandings have preserved the wisdoms of the ancient clay people who gave birth to humanity.
Come if you feel called.
The Grandmothers and Grandfathers are very organic, intuitive speakers. They will talk on many subjects while holding sacred space for ceremonies and meditation.
Registrations or inquiries: call Peggy Koebernick @ 937.767.9331
or email: mkoebernic@aol.com